Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Divine Nature Project Ideas

  • • Develop a skill you could use in your future home, such as cooking, sewing, making repairs, organizing, or designing. Teach that skill to someone, and explain how establishing a house of order (see D&C 109:8) is one of your divine roles.

  • • For an extended period of time, serve someone in need, such as a young mother, a person with disabilities, or an elderly person. Record in your journal how your service has helped you recognize the divine nature in yourself and in others.

  • • List the divine attributes and roles of women as taught in “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” (see page 101), and carry out a project that helps you learn more about one of those roles.

  • • Using an artistic skill or handicraft you have learned, make something for your current or future home. Record in your journal how being creative is part of your divine nature and how sharing your creativity has blessed others.

  • • Working in harmony with others is a divine attribute (see D&C 38:27). Carry out a project that will promote unity in your extended family, your school, or your community. Record in your journal how you can make a difference when you work in unity with others.